Halesowen Tennis Club is run by an elected committee of volunteer members. The committee is made up of members who convene monthly to look after administrative, planning and developmental aspects of the Club and manage membership, funding (including applications for grants) and day-to-day running. Sub-committees are formed from time to time to consider particular issues, and there is a standing Junior Sub-Committee.
The committee would not work without our brilliant volunteers, who all do endless amounts of work behind the scenes:
Chair - Christopher Davis
Secretary - Karen Hutt
Treasurer - Keith Gittins
Membership Secretary - Nigel Sadler
Welfare & Safeguarding Officer - Ed Dando
Head Coach - Geoff Barrie
Ladies Captain - Deborah Hobbs
Men's Captain - Ed Dando
Mixed Captain - Sean Randle
Communications Officer - Rose Reeves
Seniors Coordinators - Tito Martire
Social Media Coordinator -
We’re also grateful to Su Sadler who organises the 200 club.
Lastly, the committee would like to thank everyone past and present that has given up their time and represented our strong committee, as well as those people that have and continue to regularly give up their time to support the club.